PDCA Complete is a means to an end.

Capturing tasks, meetings, projects, opportunities… this is all there to help you have a clear mind.

So, what would you do with a clear mind?

With a clear mind you can…

Plan for a better future.

With a proper grasp of all of the tasks and activity that are currently in progress you can stop worrying about being on top of everything.

PDCA Complete gives you the ability to pause projects and prioritize what is important. When you have the feeling of being under control, you can start to think about the bigger picture.

What strategic goals do you need to conquer first? Who’s role needs to change? Higher level thinking becomes easier when you have the minutiae under control.

Also, PDCA Complete’s Bucket system is perfect for capturing, evaluating and prioritizing your strategic goals. You can find out more here.

Solve today’s problems effectively

It might be that part of today’s reality is that you have some problems to solve. Getting all of your activities under control is one thing, getting on top of your current problems is another topic!

One of the tools that we have built into PDCA Complete is the Complete, Concern, Countermeasure framework. Also known as 3C or CCC, this approach helps your team to capture their concerns about a business activity or process and work towards a root cause. With a few of these under your belt, you can transform an activity and remove symptomatic problems once and for all.

With a clear mind, it is easier to feel that you have the mental bandwith to tackle ongoing and chronic business issues that haunt the business. You can learn more about the CCC tool in PDCA Complete here.

Make sure that standards are being maintained

Another benefit of having a clear mind is that you can ensure that hard earned standards are maintained.

Doing this with a clear mind allows you to be objective and see what you need to see. You won’t feel as rushed and you will be able to look at an operational activity without having so many other things running through your head!

PDCA Complete’s auditing tools are perfect for this. They work great on a tablet as well, if you want to audit on the go. We’ve even built in a 5S and 7 wastes audit into the system, if you are following the Lean improvement methodology.

From here, actions can be created and managed through the central My Tasks function.

Job number one is…

But, before any of the above can happen, you need to start capturing all of your tasks, projects, opportunities and anything else floating around your head.

Getting this information out of your brain, and your colleagues’ brains, is job number one. It frees up your thinking so that you can get into clarity. You’ll feel safe in the knowledge that you no longer have to remember to remember.

Have a mental amnesty with your team and write down all the things that haven’t been written down. The projects that you have forgotten about. The tasks that haven’t been looked at yet. The ideas that you haven’t even looked at. Get it all out and down on paper, or even better…

Use PDCA Complete for free

We offer a free version of PDCA Complete that you can access here.

The free version is for up to three team members and includes the majority of the functionality of the paid subscription version. You can check out the differences on our pricing page.

With the free version you can complete all of the actions discussed in this article. And, once you get the information into the system, you can add the rest of your team.

In the meantime, keep taking information out of your head in a structured way and keeping your mental capacity free for taking your organization forward.

Giles Johnston
Giles Johnston

Giles Johnston is a Chartered Engineer that spends his working life helping businesses to become more organized, more efficient and get back in control.